-Sarah discussed whether artificial sweeteners are a better substitute than sugar in foods. I learned aspartame is the worse artificial sweetener, and I now look for it on food nutrition facts. She had an enormous amount of side effects that I think were used as a scare tactic. I never want to use artificial sweeteners again. I just wonder why the FDA allows sweeteners if they can be so harmful.
-Ryan discussed the effects recombinant bovine growth hormone, used on cows, have on humans. The growth hormones are found in 2/3 of slaughtered cows. The FDA has approved this hormones, but I wonder what the side effects on humans truly are. As a milk and beef lover I found this information to be very important.
-While abry's discussion on allergies was a little confusing, it seems to be very pertinent for the season. It was interesting to learn the history of allergies and how it effects the body. The image he used was very helpful in explaining the information. I look forward to more detail from London's finest.